Sunday 16 January 2011

Wild rabbit

I have decided to blog rather than send emails to you all. Please feel free to ignore me ;)
So here goes:
Monday 10th January 2011
Yesterday Lani at last caught and killed a rabbit - after three years of fruitless chasing! So we brought it home, skinned it, gutted it and we're having rabbit casserole for tea tomorrow. It was a little bizarre

as I stood in the old stable wearing gloves, knives and scissors at the ready while dh* read me the instructions off his ipad!! So am very proud of new skill, now I can kill chickens, help sheep to lamb, shear sheep and skin and gut a rabbit......oh how my life has changed :)

For those that don't know (I had to ask) dh stands for "darling husband", ds for darling son, dd for darling daughter. Nauseating I know but it keeps it anonymous and its "standard" blog nomenclature I believe.

Tuesday 12th January 2011:

I did the rabbit in the slow cooker with wine, garlic, leeks and cream. It was delicious - even ds agreed. Not in the least bit tough.

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